4SUS - Sustainability assessment tool for startups
LUT 4SUS is a sustainability assessment tool for business idea development and start-up teams. Its aim is not to replace existing tools for calculating carbon footprints, sustainability indexes or life cycle assessment, but those tools require a great deal of exact data to be useful. If you have a start-up or an idea, you don’t have such data yet.
LUT 4SUS a tool for guiding new start-up teams in considering the sustainability angle in their business.
How to use
Download the tool below.
You can work alone or with your start-up team.
Use any familiar ideation or brainstorming technique to examine your business idea from four different perspectives with the help of the questionnaire provided by the LUT 4SUS tool.
Use post-it notes etc. to write down ideas.
Discuss the most important strengths or weaknesses with your team and decide which of them require further development.
Summarize the results on one slide and add the slide to your business idea pitching deck.
Add the LUT 4SUS logo with a Creative Common License logo to show you have considered the sustainability angle of your business idea systematically.

Find out more
Watch the videos on Youtube: presentation, interview and intro
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