Master of ceremonies

Responsible for the progress of the festivities. Red sash.

Head marshal

Supervises the marshals assisting in the conferment festivities and takes part in the ceremony along with the master of ceremonies. Blue sash.


Assist the master of ceremonies and the head marshal in the festivities. Guide guests, guard entrances and serve as the guard of honour. Marshals wear a blue-and-white sash and a student cap.

Honorary doctor

An honorary doctorate is a title awarded by the university as a tribute to an especially accomplished person. An honorary doctorate may be granted in order to attract top Finnish or international researchers or other highly accomplished persons into the university community.

Young doctor

A person who defended his or her dissertation at the university and thus completed the postgraduate degree of Doctor of Science in Technology or Economics and Business Administration or Doctor of Philosophy.

Doctor primus/prima

Dissertation approved with distinction and the other postgraduate studies evaluated as excellent.

Conferment ceremony

The main event, the actual conferment of doctoral degrees.

Conferrer of degrees

The person who presents the doctoral regalia − the hat and sword. Each scientific discipline at the university (technology, business and philosophy) has its own conferrer.


Recipient of the doctoral degree.


Conferment Ceremony 2022

Seventh ceremonial conferment of doctoral degrees at the Lappeenranta–Lahti University of Technology LUT 2022.

Contact us

Please ask more information about events

The general arrangements for the Ceremonial Conferment:

Kaija Ryösö,,

puh. 040 565 3615