The attire of participants plays an important role on this dignified occasion. It is indicative of the nature of the occasion. Therefore, the university has a detailed dress code for both the promovendi and guests.
Guests who own a doctoral hat wear it in the conferment ceremony. The guests carry their hats into the auditorium in their left hand, the lyre facing forward, and place it on their head at the same time as the conferrer.
Purchasing a doctoral hat
Young doctors purchase their doctoral hat independently and young doctors in business administration and philosophy also the sword.
The hats are made to order in a traditional fashion. LUT's doctoral hat is black and adorned with the golden lyre of the university.
In the spring of 2022, many universities are arranging a doctoral conferment ceremony, which means hat manufacturers will be busy. Please, order the hat as soon as possible.
LUT will offer the sword sharpening ceremony and conferment dinners to the young doctors and their companions. Other costs are covered by the participants themselves: attire, doctoral hat and lyre, sword (business and philosophy), accommodation and travel.
Dress Codes
The dress code of the doctoral conferment ceremony is specific, and all participants are expected to follow the instructions.
Friday 27th May 2022 Conferment Ceremony Rehearsal and Sword Sharpening
Doctor, male: Dark suit
Doctor, female: Dress, jacket and skirt or trouser suit. Colour as preferred.
Saturday 28th May 2022 Conferment Ceremony
Doctor, male: White tie: tailcoat, black vest, white bow tie, no handkerchief, black shoes.
Doctor, female: Black, full-length dress with long sleeves and closed neckline (a festive dress or a combination of a jacket and skirt). No flashy jewellery or fur, no handbag.
The doctoral hat is mandatory. The conferrer places the hat his/her head during the ceremony.
Saturday 28th May Banquet and Ball
Doctor, male: White tie: tailcoat, white vest, white bow tie, handkerchief, black shoes.
Doctor, female: Full-length evening dress. Colour as preferred.
Partners and other guests:
Friday 27th May 2022 Sword Sharpening
Guest, male: Dark suit.
Guest, female: Dress, jacket and skirt or trouser suit. Colour as preferred.
Saturday 28th May 2022 Conferment Ceremony
Guest, male: Dark suit. Or: White tie: tailcoat, black vest, white bow tie. No handkerchief, no hat (except possible doctoral hat).
Guest, female: Black or dark short dress (long sleeves), jacket and skirt or trouser suit, long sleeves. No hat (except possible doctoral hat).
Saturday 28th May Banquet and Ball
Guest, male: White tie: tailcoat, white vest, white bow tie, handkerchief, black shoes. Or: Dark suit.
Guest, female: Full-length evening dress. Colour as preferred.
Decorations should be worn only in Saturday´s 28th May, day and evening events (in which case no handkerchief is used).

Conferment Ceremony 2022
Seventh ceremonial conferment of doctoral degrees at the Lappeenranta–Lahti University of Technology LUT 2022.
Contact us
Please ask more information about events
The general arrangements for the Ceremonial Conferment:
Kaija Ryösö,,
puh. 040 565 3615