BioProt event
Event dates
LUT University, Yliopistonkatu 34, 53850 Lappeenranta, Finland.
LUT main building, Auditorium 1318 or in Zoom.


9:30 Welcome, Krista Koljonen, LUT
9:35 Greetings from LUT, Eveliina Repo
9:40 Greetings from LAB, Kati Peltonen
9:45 Session I: Final thoughts of the company members

  • Janette Mäkipää, Lifa-Air
  • Mira Juutilainen, Teknikum
  • Tuomas Kiikka, Premix
  • Pasi Virtanen, Teknos


10:45 Coffee break
11:00 Session II: Main results presented by work packages

  • Krista Koljonen, LUT
  • Satu Salo, VTT
  • Varpu Marjomäki JYU
  • Susanna Tella, LAB
  • Paulus Torkki, UH


12:15 Final words, Eveliina Repo, LUT, Susanna Tella, LAB and Krista Koljonen, LUT
12:30 Lunch

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