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İrem Çevik, Doctor of Science (Technology), will defend her doctoral dissertation in the field of Engineering Sciences at LUT on 20 September at noon, in Auditorium 1314 and online. Her dissertation is titled An Integrated and Effective Method to Manage Fatigue Risk in the Aviation Industry. Associate Professor, Dr. habil., Ph.D. Bálint Molnár of Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Hungary, will act as opponent. Professor Ajantha Dahanayake of LUT University will act as custos.

Library information: The dissertation has been published in the Acta Universitatis Lappeenrantaensis research series number 1147 of the university. ISBN 978-952-412-108-8, 978-952-412-109-5 (PDF), ISSN 1456-4491 (Print), ISSN 2814-5518 (Online).