Autumn image
Event dates
Malski, Sammiosali
Päijänteenkatu 9, Lahti

If you want to go fast, go alone.

If you want to go far, go together.

In the past couple years, Lahti region has grown to be an important actor for software business in Finland. The old industry, which Lahti is famous, is modernizing in a fast pace with the help of the modern technology. At the same time we have new, green solutions born to the global markets — with the help of modern software engineering. As LUT University opened officially their campus in Lahti in 2020, almost 200 software engineering science university level students are taken in yearly — those future professionals, which IT industry has a huge shortage right now.


We believe that Lahti has much to offer. We also believe that bringing people together is extremely important, so that we can be even stronger (and happier) together. Please join our first Lahti Software Day to hear professionals from various software engineering topics and network with other professionals in the region.


We have an interesting set of speakers: Rasmus Roiha talking about the state of the software business in Finland. Professor Pekka Abrahamsson will share his knowledge about Generative AI and software business and Mikko Veikkolainen will reveal how Kempower utilized software in their success. We will also have some activities during the breaks to get people together and share their thoughts about the strengths, possibilities and challenges for Lahti Region's growth in software business.


This event is open to everyone, who is working, studying or interested about topics related to software engineering. Yet, the registration is mandatory. The more diversity there is in the participants the more unexceptional things we can do together!



12:00 Networking and coffee

12:20 Welcome and Greetings from the City of Lahti

12:40 Rasmus Roiha, Software Finland - "An overview to the state and the future of the Finnish tech companies."

13:30 Ursula Koski, AWS - "Why and how inclusion, diversity and equity drive software business?”

14:00 More coffee and networking

14:30 Mikko Veikkolainen, Kempower - "How to monetize your digital services?"

15:00 Pekka Abrahamsson, Tampere University -  "Generative AI, Large Language Models and ChatGPT: What should the software companies do now?"

15:50 Official program ends, networking and cocktails

17:00 Thank you and see you next year!


Welcome to Lahti Software Day!

This events is provided by Lahti Software EAKR project (Päijät-Hämeen Liitto).