Photographs and video during Conferment ceremony

Taking photographs and video is forbidden during Conferment ceremony. Professional photographers will take pictures.

Borrowing hat and sword

It is possible to wear a borrowed hat in the doctoral conferment ceremony if the hat:

  • is adorned with LUT's lyre
  • represents the young doctor's field (technology, business, philosophy).

It is also possible to wear a borrowed sword if the sword has the emblem of LUT University. You could ask your colleague or friend if they can lend their sword to you. There is no service available for borrowing the sword.

What is the deadline for informing the changes?

You can make changes in the names or the amount of participants by 11.4.2022 to the email address:


Conferment Ceremony 2022

Seventh ceremonial conferment of doctoral degrees at the Lappeenranta–Lahti University of Technology LUT 2022.

Contact us

Please ask more information about events

The general arrangements for the Ceremonial Conferment:

Kaija Ryösö,,

puh. 040 565 3615