LUT has published the Report on Sustainability 2022, which also includes the university’s carbon footprint. In the future, university will pay growing attention to its positive environmental handprint rather than its carbon footprint.
“LUT’s positive environmental handprint is based on strategic long-term scientific research, which focuses on clean energy, air and water, as well as sustainable business. It is in all of our interest to carry out the green transition,” says LUT’s rector Juha-Matti Saksa.
Active societal interaction, climate action and charity
Making an impact on society is one of the three missions of a university in addition to education and research. Last year, for example, LUT organised an Energy Day in Brussels to support the European energy transition and published an energy report to help Finland achieve its climate and energy goals, including carbon neutrality by 2035.
LUT’s carbon footprint for the year 2022 totalled 2 288 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2eq). The university continues to implement its Climate Action Plan as planned together with the staff and students.
The war in Ukraine affected the activities of the university community considerably. In response to the humanitarian crisis, LUT made donations, offered study opportunities for people fleeing the war, and started a unique stove project. The project inspired individual people, companies and schools to build and send thousands of stoves to Ukraine for heating and cooking in harsh conditions.
Strong academic and financial performance
Although the year was unprecedented, LUT’s academic and financial performance was strong. Income from investments enables LUT to pursue operations in line with its strategy. In 2022, the carbon footprint of LUT’s investment portfolio decreased by roughly 13 per cent.
The number of scientific publications in high-quality journals developed favourably. In 2022, LUT released 481 scientific publications in high-quality journals (Publication Forum rating 2–3), which meant about a 7- per cent increase from the previous year. A total of 419 of LUT’s Scopus publications dealt with at least one of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
LUT contributes to the sustainable renewal of business and society in its three schools: LUT Business School, the School of Energy Systems and the School of Engineering Sciences.
LUT Business School is committed to the UN’s Principles for Responsible Management Education. In its PRME progress report for the period 2021–2023, the school tells more about the work for sustainable business.
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