The winner of the 2024 Metsä360 Award is Uute Scientific, the creator of the new Re-Connecting Nature microbial extract. Developed at the University of Helsinki and Tampere University, the extract is made from agriculture and forest industry side streams, and its consistency corresponds to the microbial diversity found in nature.
The microbial extract exposes the human immune system to natural microbes through consumer products such as cosmetics. New types of exposure to natural microbes are needed, because stimulation from the environment has decreased due to urbanization and increased hygiene, leading even to the proliferation of allergies and immune-mediated diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease.
The winner of the Metsä360 Award was chosen by a panel composed of Tua Huomo, executive vice president at VTT, Ville Kopra, CEO of Versowood, Mikko Mönkkönen, dean at the University of Jyväskylä, and Tuomo Kauranne, CEO of the 2023 Metsä360 Award winner Arbonaut.
Research stemming from top Finnish research
According to the panel of judges, Uute Scientific’s microbial extract Re-Connecting Nature holds great international potential. The panel also praised the product's strong brand, which is inspired by Finnish nature.
“Uute Scientific’s microbial extract shows that biodiversity also has monetary value. It is amazing that top Finnish research has yielded such an innovation,” says Esko Kolli, representative of the Marjatta and Eino Kolli Foundation.
The Metsä360 Award recognises actions that increase the added value of forests. The award was now given for the fifth time and is part of the collaboration between LUT University and the Marjatta and Eino Kolli Foundation. The previous award winners were forest management data company Arbonaut, eniferBio’s mycoprotein manufacture process, Stora Enso’s wood-based carbon, and Suomen Latu's Sleep Outdoors Night.
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Junior Metsä360 Awards to Kouvola, Lappeenranta, and Espoo
Nearly 50 teams entered the Metsä360 junior competition series for lower secondary school seventh to ninth graders. The competition encouraged students to highlight the societal value and importance of forests now and in the future.
The winner was Kaapo Nummenpää from the Naukio comprehensive school in Kouvola with its video titled Tulevaisuuden ja menneisyyden aarre (future and past treasure). The panel especially appreciated how the video showcased the wide-ranging value and uses of forests.
“What is inspiring about the Metsä360 competition is finding out what young people think about forests and what forests mean to them. Forests are full of opportunities that I encourage future generations to seize open-mindedly,” says Mari Kallioinen-Mänttäri, dean at LUT University.
The first runner-up was Myllymäki school from Lappeenranta with its video Esteetön metsä (accessible forest), which dealt with concerns related to the accessibility of forests. The panel praised the thought-provoking angle and original delivery. Tapiola school from Espoo came in third with its video 25 asiaa, joita voi tehdä metsässä (25 things to do in a forest). The video awed the panel with its high quality and music.
The award winners were chosen by Nina Kyykkänen, service manager, and Leena Ikonen, LUMA coordinator, from LUT Junior University, and by Siiri Mertakorpi, communications specialist from the LUT School of Engineering Sciences.
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Mari Kallioinen-Mänttäri
Esko Kolli
Marjatta ja Eino Kollin Säätiö
050 0712 458