Variation of recovery boiler NOx-emissions based on wood species, boiler age and other operating parameters | 2018 Publication type A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Author(s) Luostarinen Kari, Vakkilainen Esa K., Cardoso Marcelo, Matheus de Almeida Gustavo, Hamaguchi Marcelo Environmental Engineering Energy (miscellaneous) LUT School of Energy Systems
Estimation of recovery boiler NOx-emissions based on wood species, boiler age, load and NCG flows | 2017 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Luostarinen Kari, Vakkilainen Esa K., Cardoso Marcelo, Matheus de Almeida Gustavo, Hamaguchi Marcelo Energy LUT School of Energy Systems
Critical evaluation of new EU BAT for kraft pulp mill emissions to air | 2014 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Luostarinen Kari, Cardoso Marcelo, Jouttijärvi Timo, Vakkilainen Esa
Critical evaluation of new EU IPPC BAT BREF for kraft pulp mill emissions to air | 2013 Publication type B3 Unrefereed conference proceedings Author(s) Vakkilainen Esa, Cardoso Marcelo, Luostarinen Kari
Uusia tuulia ja kehitysehdotuksia voimalaitosopin perusteet -kurssiin | 2012 Publication type D4 Published development or research report or study Author(s) Luostarinen Kari
Biochar filter - carbon containing ashes for agricultural purposes | 2010 Publication type D4 Published development or research report or study Author(s) Luostarinen Kari, Vakkilainen Esa, Bergamov Gleb
Economics of nuclear power in Finland | 2004 Publication type B3 Unrefereed conference proceedings Author(s) Tarjanne Risto, Luostarinen Kari.
Competitiveness comparison of the electricity production alternatives. Price Level of March 2003 | 2003 Publication type Other Author(s) Tarjanne Risto, Luostarinen Kari Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment LUT School of Energy Systems
Sähköntuotantovaihtoehtojen taloudellinen vertailu | 2003 Publication type D4 Published development or research report or study Author(s) Tarjanne Risto, Luostarinen Kari Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment Energy LUT School of Energy Systems
Sähköntuotantomenetelmien energiatakaisinmaksuajat ja tehokkuuskertoimet | 2002 Publication type D4 Published development or research report or study Author(s) Luostarinen Kari, Rissanen Sauli, Tarjanne Risto
Metsähakkeen autokuljetuksen logistiikan ja kuljetuskaluston kehittäminen | 2001 Publication type B2 Unrefereed book section Author(s) Ranta T., Frilander P., Vesisenaho A., Asikainen A., Väätäinen K., Luostarinen K., Laihanen M Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment LUT School of Energy Systems
Metsäteollisuuden prosessimuutosten vaikutus hiilidioksidipäästöihin | 2001 Publication type D4 Published development or research report or study Author(s) Luostarinen Kari Energy LUT School of Energy Systems
Energiatalouden seminaari : syyslukukausi 1998 (toim) | 1999 Publication type Other Author(s) Tarjanne Risto, Luostarinen Kari
Laatukasikirja energiatuotannon ympäristötekniikkaan | 1996 Publication type D4 Published development or research report or study Author(s) Hammo Simo, Marttila Esa, Luostarinen Kari
Specification of requirements for high efficiency induction motors | 1996 Publication type B3 Unrefereed conference proceedings Author(s) Haataja Jorma, Pyrhönen Juha, Luostarinen Kari, Härkönen Heikki