PlastLIFE tackles the plastic challenge by implementing the four objectives of the Plastic Roadmap for Finland (PRfF, 2019 -2031):
- (O1) reduce littering and other negative impacts caused by plastics
- (O2) refuse from unnecessary consumption of plastics
- (O3) increase recycling of all types of plastics and
- (O4) replace fossil plastics with bio-based materials and/or other solutions.
These objectives are achieved through nine work packages designed to directly respond to the measures proposed by the PRfF. PlastLIFE will identify and implement safe and sustainable solutions for plastic production, consumption and recycling, and develop policy tools and reliable indicators sustaining and up-scaling the results beyond the project. The 17 project beneficiaries and stakeholder networks bring together all the most relevant actors needed for the change. Together with the complementary measures, PlastLIFE aims at the full implementation of the PRfF in all geographical regions of Finland by 2035.
Project funding
Project period

Project goals
The project has set ambitious quantitative targets for increasing recycling, reducing littering and demand for primary fossil-based plastic, mobilising funding as well as achieving a measurable change in the mind-set of the Finnish public, industry and decision-making. The PlastLIFE and PRfF implement the EU and global plastics and circular economy strategies, action plans and targets. The project supports the targets of the LIFE programme by facilitating the transition into sustainable, circular, toxic-free, energy efficient and climate-resilient economy and by helping to improve the quality of the environment and natural resources such as soil and water that are increasingly polluted and harmed by plastics.
LUT University goals
LUT University work aims at better recognition and source separation of plastic waste at construction sites, creating of improved and more effective plastic waste recycling solutions, and the knowledge improvement of the environmental and health impacts of plastic waste treatment and recycling. The work consists of following sub-tasks:
- Assess the availability and properties of the construction and demolition waste plastics in different phases of construction and demolition
- Investigate utilization possibilities for the separated waste plastics from construction and demolition
- Pilot the reprocessing of the construction and demolition waste plastics
- Investigate the use safety of the recycled construction and demolition waste plastics
- Quantify the environmental impacts of the recycling of construction and demolition waste plastics
Project staff

Mika Horttanainen

Jouni Havukainen

Marko Hyvärinen
Research institutes
- Finnish Environment Institute
- Turku University
- Ministry of the Environment
- Jyväskylä University
- Natural Resources Institute Finland Karelia University of Applied Sciences University of Lapland
- LAB University of Applied Sciences
- Oy Orthex Finland Ab Plastone Oy
- Saxo Oy
- Muovipoli Oy
- Kuljetusliike Vaahterinen Oy Biokymppi Oy
- Cities Helsinki City
- Keep the Archipelago Tidy Association Suomen Biokierto ja Biokaasu ry
- Aalto korkeakoulusäätiö ry
- Waste management authorities
- Helsinki Environmental Services Authority Pirkanmaan Jätehuolto Oy