RELE aims to improve the energy efficiency of old buildings, develop urban models for energy management, promote regional sustainability, prepare for future legislation and improve energy skills. Finland has a large number of old public buildings in need of energy efficiency improvements. The new Energy Efficiency Directive (EED 2012/27/EU), part of the EU's 55-package, sets requirements for the energy performance of public buildings. It is possible to improve energy efficiency through renovation, but financing can be a challenge. Solutions are needed to improve energy efficiency without major investments.
Project period:
Project funding:
European Regional Development Fund, Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment
Project funding:
European Regional Development Fund, Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment

The main objectives of the RELE are to:
- Optimise energy efficiency of old buildings through demand response and new technologies.
- Generate the information and analysis needed to manage and monitor energy efficiency and emissions.
- Create a generalisable model in Vierumäki, Heinola that supports energy-efficient business and sustainable operations.
- Public-Private Partnership kiinteistöjen energiatehokkuusinvestoinneissa ja niiden rahoituksessa
- Hiilineutraali yrityspuisto
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