Art in a public space is becoming a significant form of environmental and urban planning.Typically, urban planning and public art planning proceed in separate tracks and the implementing projects are not capable of foreseeing the needs and viewpoints of the two different processes. Multidisciplinary expertise is, however, seen key for responsible and sustainable environmental development.
The project responds to the work-based change and competence needs related to the developing and designing attractive and pleasant urban and rural environments. In urban planning it is necessary to consider the potential of public art when designing good quality environments as well as to acquire knowledge on the process of producing and procuring public art. Mutually, visual artists need further education to understand how urban planning affects the location as well as the implementation process of public art.
Project funding:
Euroopan sosiaalirahasto, Hämeen ELY-keskus

This project provides knowledge on the public art planning process to municipalities. The education is targeted to urban planners as well as visual artists and designers. The multidisciplinary teams consisting of participants of the pilot education program will have a tangible space to consider in South Carelia and Päijät-Häme and will approach the problem from the points of view of both public art and urban planning. The second target group are the UAS bachelor and master students in technology and culture and arts, who will, after graduation, work in projects combining art in developing built and green environment.
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