New procedure for valuing patents under imprecise information with a consensual dynamics model and a real options framework | 2017 Publication type A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Author(s) Lawryshyn Yuri, Collan Mikael, Luukka Pasi, Fedrizzi Mario Decision Sciences Analysis Business, Management and Accounting Finance LUT Business School
Similarity classifier with weighted ordered weighted averaging operator | 2016 Publication type A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Author(s) Kurama Onesfole, Luukka Pasi, Collan Mikael Decision Sciences Analysis Applied Mathematics LUT Business School
Smart phone as a medium to access medical information: a field study of military physicians | 2006 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Tetard Franck, Han S, Collan Mikael, Harkke V Decision Sciences Business, Management and Accounting
Lazy User Theory: A Dynamic Model to Understand User Selection of Products and Services | 2009 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Tetard Franck, Collan Mikael Decision Sciences Business, Management and Accounting
Understanding the user selection process of mobile services with the lazy user model: An exploratory study | 2009 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Tetard Franck, Collan Mikael, Fredriksson A Decision Sciences Business, Management and Accounting
A Practical R&D Selection Model Using Fuzzy Pay-Off Method | 2011 Publication type A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Author(s) Hassanzadeh Farhad, Collan Mikael, Modarres Mohammad Decision Sciences Business, Management and Accounting
Lazy User Model: Solution Selection and Discussion about Switching Costs | 2011 Publication type A3 Book section, chapters in research books Author(s) Collan Mikael, Tetard Franck Decision Sciences Business, Management and Accounting
A Procedure for the Rapid Pre-Acquisition Screening of Target Companies Using the Pay-Off Method for Real Option Valuation | 2011 Publication type A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Author(s) Collan Mikael Decision Sciences Business, Management and Accounting
Credibilistic approach to the fuzzy pay-off method for real option analysis | 2012 Publication type A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Author(s) Collan Mikael, Fuller Robert, Mezei Jozsef Decision Sciences Business, Management and Accounting
A Fuzzy Pay-Off Method for Real Option Valuation | 2009 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Collan Mikael, Fuller Robert, Mezei Jozsef Decision Sciences Business, Management and Accounting