Cost-optimal dimensioning of hybrid heat pump systems utilizing waste heat from hydrogen production for a kindergarten in cold climate | 2025 Publication type A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Author(s) Ju Yuchen, Hu Xinyi, Jokisalo Juha, Kosonen Risto, Xue Tianchen, Meriläinen Altti, Kosonen Antti Energy - Transition to carbon-neutral world Building and Construction Energy Engineering and Power Technology Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment Energy LUT School of Energy Systems
Environmental performance of alkali activated materials in comparison to conventional materials in environmental technology applications | 2022 Publication type A3 Book section, chapters in research books Author(s) Abdulkareem Mariam, Havukainen Jouni, Horttanainen Mika Other Focus Area Water - Refining sidestreams into value Energy - Transition to carbon-neutral world Building and Construction Environmental Engineering Ecological Modelling Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment Waste Management and Disposal LUT School of Energy Systems
Building Resilient Organizations and Innovation Networks in Wood Construction Industry | 2016 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Maunula Melina Building and Construction Strategy and Management Management of Technology and Innovation
Wood Construction Industry in Bio-Economy Transition: Case South-East Finland | 2015 Publication type D3 Professional conference proceedings Author(s) Maunula Melina Building and Construction Management of Technology and Innovation
Fan pressure-based testing, adjusting, and balancing of a ventilation system | 2015 Publication type A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Author(s) Tamminen Jussi, Ahonen Tero, Ahola Jero, Hammo Simo Building and Construction Energy Engineering and Power Technology Electrical and Electronic Engineering LUT School of Energy Systems
Loppuraportti K-EASY -osahankkeesta: Rakentamisessa syntyvien jäte- ja kierrätysmateriaalien hyödyntäminen uusien tuoteryhmien raaka-aineena (JÄTEKIMARA) | 2014 Publication type D4 Published development or research report or study Author(s) Kärki Timo, Väntsi Olli, Kinnunen Rauli Building and Construction Environmental Engineering Biomaterials Mechanics of Materials Polymers and Plastics Waste Management and Disposal Materials Science (miscellaneous)
Sheetmetal Forming Method | 2006 Publication type H1 Granted patent Author(s) Varis Juha, Veijalainen Erkki, Jääskeläinen Seppo Building and Construction Mechanical Engineering
Metallilevyn muotoilumenetelmä | 2003 Publication type H1 Granted patent Author(s) Jääskeläinen Seppo, Varis Juha, Veijalainen Erkki Building and Construction Mechanical Engineering
Применение практик Северных стран по энергоэффективности и возобновляемым источникам энергии в Калининградской области (Applying Nordic Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Solutions in Kaliningrad Oblast) | 2013 Publication type D4 Published development or research report or study Author(s) Ahonen Tero, Luoranen Mika, Ahola Jero, Tuunanen Jussi Building and Construction Electrical and Electronic Engineering Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment Civil and Structural Engineering LUT School of Energy Systems
Applying Nordic energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions in Kaliningrad Oblast, Russia | 2013 Publication type D4 Published development or research report or study Author(s) Ahonen Tero, Luoranen Mika, Ahola Jero, Tuunanen Jussi Building and Construction Electrical and Electronic Engineering Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment Civil and Structural Engineering LUT School of Energy Systems