I am a highly organized and systematic professional with extensive experience in project management, quality assurance, and business development. My work has involved coordinating complex projects, ensuring that teams meet deadlines and deliver high-quality results. Alongside my practical expertise, I have a passion for continuous learning, demonstrated by earning three advanced degrees. I believe in always enhancing my skills and knowledge, which is why I'm constantly engaged in further studies.
An unexpected fact about me is that in my free time, I work as a swimming instructor. If I could, I would spend most of my time in the pool, combining my love for teaching with my passion for swimming. This balance between my professional life and my personal interests has taught me valuable lessons in patience, perseverance, and the importance of staying active, both mentally and physically.
As a mentor, I look forward to engaging in thoughtful exchanges, helping others gain new perspectives, and offering support in their career growth. I appreciate mentees who are eager to learn, proactive in their development, and committed to advancing both in their studies and professional life. For me, mentorship is a mutual journey of growth and discovery.
Studies at LUT: Industrial engineering and management, 2023
Mentoring language: Finnish or English