Humberto Almeida Jr
Created 9.10.2024
Updated 10.10.2024

What are the hot topics of mechanical engineering?  

Sustainability and digitalisation are key themes in the transformation of mechanical engineering. Sustainability thinking is shown in ecological material choices and manufacturing technologies, such as bio-based materials and 3D printing. Advanced simulation methods, such as digital twins and the application of artificial intelligence and machine learning to machines and other mechanical systems, are of current interest in the digitalisation of mechanical engineering. Moreover, advancements in automation and robotics affect many industries at present. 

What are you currently working on?  

I’m constantly seeking to develop ultra-lightweight structures. Fibre-reinforced polymer composites have the potential to replace heavy metal structures without compromising performance. A carbon fibre-reinforced polymer composite can have a third of the density of steel at similar mechanical performance. I’m currently working on enhancing the blades of wind turbines to advance green energy production.   

How did you end up in an academic career?  

I come from a family that values education. That may have affected my choice of career and the fact that I like to share knowledge with others. I believe solid education helps solve many societal problems.  

What do you enjoy most about your work? What would you like to change? 

I like to collaborate with colleagues from different backgrounds to achieve a wider impact. I'm happy to share my knowledge, especially with young people, because they represent the future. The societal and economic impact of my work is important to me.   

I'd like to collaborate with other universities in the use of different teaching methods. I've noticed that new learning tools, such as AI, easily lead students to take shortcuts. That can also be seen as a lack of patience in students. Nonetheless, we need patience to understand the very fundaments of science. 

Humberto Almeida Jr
I'm happy to share my knowledge especially with young people, because they represent the future.
Humberto Almeida Jr
Assistant professor of mechanical engineering

What has been your greatest professional accomplishment so far?  

I’ve received a few very prestigious grants: the Humboldt Research Fellowship (Germany), the Royal Academy of Engineering Fellowship (UK), and the Marie-Curie Individual Fellowship (Europe). I’m also extremely proud of the funding I recently received from the Research Council of Finland for my project. The funding was granted only a few months after I came to work at LUT University, which, by the way, is the best place I’ve worked so far.  

If anything were possible, what would you like to study? What further ambitions do you have for your career? 

I’d love to study aerospace engineering or pursue my childhood dream of becoming an aircraft pilot! 

Who or what has recently inspired you? 

Science is a constant source of inspiration for me, encouraging me to push the boundaries of innovation and unlocking new possibilities. My passion is to develop strong, durable, lightweight composites for aircrafts. They can enhance performance and fuel efficiency, thus reducing carbon dioxide emissions. 

How do you balance your work and personal life? How do you unwind after work?   

This is something I need to improve because my brain is constantly working on how to solve or develop things. I unwind by going to the gym, hiking, travelling, spending time in nature, meeting with friends and making new ones. My family is what keeps me grounded: spending time with my girlfriend, son, and dog is a quick way to recharge.  

Tell us something about yourself that others may not know.  

Many might not be aware of how much I love Finland! 

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