KRK:n Alumnit ry:n ja Kaplaakin Alumni ry:n logot
Event dates
Kitty's Public House, Mannerheimintie 5

Come meet fellow alumni and network interdisciplinary in an afterwork seminar!
If possible the seminar presentation will be available remotely.

KRK (mechanical engineering) & Kaplaaki (industrial engineering and management) alumni associations arrange collective after work and seminar presentation for members.

  • When: Thursday 19.9. presentaiton at 17:00
  • Where: Kitty's Public House lounge Helsinki (Mannerheimintie 5) and remote option for seminar via Teams, link will be sent before the event via e-mail.

The presentation about change management will be held by the mechanical engineering alumni Sami Korhonen CEO, Jet-Steel Oy:

“In this presentation, I will discuss change management from the perspective of developing a sm-sized machine shop. I will cover practical experiences and methods that enabled us to guide our organization through significant changes without major production disruptions. I will examine the various stages, challenges, and lessons learned along the way. The goal is to provide concrete examples and tools for effectively implementing change management in an industrial environment. And of course, development continues.”


The event is organized by KRK & Kaplaaki alumni associations, for more information contact ja