Created 17.10.2024
Updated 17.10.2024
Ahti Jaatinen Värri LUT-University board member
I like the fact that we're a small and agile university. Things keep happening – quickly. What's not to love about working with everybody at LUT and helping to save the world? 
Ahti Jaatinen-Värri
Associate Professor, LUT School of Energy Systems

This is my twentieth year working at LUT University. Teaching and research still feel incredibly enjoyable to me. I get excited every fall when new students start their studies. You can feel their anticipation and jitters in the air. It rubs off!

I sincerely believe that we at LUT are making the world a better place. The things we research and teach are meaningful and important. It's amazing to get to teach important things to both new students and ones that have been roaming the LUT halls longer – things they can apply to make a difference once they hit the job market.

In research, we're also involved in highly interesting projects where we’re developing a cleaner, more efficient energy system in collaboration with colleagues, research institutes, and companies. As a by-product, we're also creating new business. For example, the NEXTHEPS project is examining next-generation heat pump solutions.


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I like the fact that we're a small and agile university. Things keep happening – quickly. There’s a sense of community and team spirit that extends to all staff groups. What's not to love about working with everybody at LUT and helping to save the world? 

LUT also offers great employee benefits. For instance, the bicycle benefit helped me acquire a bike I wouldn’t have purchased otherwise. In addition, there's a gym, group fitness classes, orienteering, and a bunch of other fun activities organized by MOVEO, the wellness and sports service provider for LUT University and the LAB University of Applied Sciences.

What I’m most looking forward to this fall is that research in some projects is starting to take concrete shape: we're getting new parts for our testing equipment, and we're stepping out of the digital world into the physical one. Beyond work, I’m looking forward to the autumn break in schools. That's when my younger child and I will be heading for Lapland – just the two of us.

I think you should apply to work at LUT because it’ll give you a vantage point from which you can help make the world a better place. You’ll find new meaning in your work, whether it's teaching, research, or support services that make research and teaching possible in the first place.


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