
This project examines the integration of AI into information systems to enhance refugee management, focusing on Ukrainian refugees in Finland. Using affordance theory, ethnographic research, and grounded theory, it analyzes how AI improves administrative efficiency and supports refugee needs. The study aims to advance theoretical understanding, provide practical insights for system design, and develop scalable models to improve refugee management globally.

Principle investigator: Dominik Siemon

Responsible researcher: Olena Ocheredko



  • Analyze how AI-enhanced information systems can improve the efficiency and inclusiveness of refugee management processes.
  • Develop a theoretical framework based on affordance theory to understand the socio-technical dynamics of AI in refugee management.
  • Provide practical insights for designing intelligent systems that better support administrative staff and refugees. Create scalable models and recommendations for applying AI in global humanitarian contexts.

Contact information

Olena Ocheredko

Software Engineering

