This project creates a workplace supporter model in practice as well as a training for work organisations, so organisations can learn how to guide people who need special support at work. The need for special support can arise from a lack of experience at work or difficulties with work capacity and occupational skills. The workplace support model in practice and the training in this project aims to engage employees in their work and support them to be part of their work community. The project also aims to strengthen the efficiency of matching organisations and employees. The effectiveness of the workplace supporter model and the training will be evaluated by collecting and analyzing information and feedback from the participants.
Project period
Project funding
The European Social Fund Plus (ESF+ The Innovation and Skills in Finland 2021–2017).

Project goals
The aim is to strengthen work organisations' knowledge in guidance and support for people who need special support at work. Project goals:
- to create a workplace supporter model
- to train supporters at work
- to enhance working life skills of young adults
- to match work organisations, job seekers needing special support at work and employment services
- to evaluate the impact of workplace supporter model

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