
Finland's National Battery Strategy aims to promote Finland's rise to a leading country in responsible battery production and sustainable electrification by 2025. The Strategy reinforces value chains and innovations in the business field. The vision raises the importance of research work and professionals in the field as a central key factor that attracts international operators to Finland and creates new employment opportunities. In Southeast Finland, long-term work has been done to support the battery value chain. The focus of the Power Coast United - Southeast Finland battery cluster project is to create an industrial park concept to support the battery industry. In order to support the business activities of the battery industry, subcontracting chains and service providers, and to promote a carbon-neutral circular economy, the "Vihreä loikka" project has been launched to improve the operating conditions of the battery factory projects in Kymenlaakso.

In the education project of the Southeastern Finland battery cluster, a preparatory study is carried out to map the regional training and educational needs related to the battery industry at different levels of education and a multi-level, working-life-oriented training model for the skills needs of responsible battery production and sustainable electrification will be developed in cooperation with vocational secondary and tertiary education and universities. In addition, the project promotes the development of a work-life-oriented continuing education model for teachers (teachers' working life cycles). In parallel to the project, a research and development project (Southeast Finland's battery industry R&D cluster) will be implemented. The training project is also supported by the "Sustainable Energy Storage" project, which focuses on energy storage and strengthens the business network of the energy storage cluster with new companies and research networks.


Project period:

Project funding:
European Social Fund Plus (ESF+)

