This research team of Finance and Business Analytics focuses in strategic finance especially on anomaly research on equity investment strategies and real option valuation. There especially we focus on long term investment strategies and modern analysis techniques, portfolio performance and risk management. Also developing new methods in real option valuation is one of the specialities in this research group.
In business analytics our focus in on creation of theory and applications of smart business analytics tools and methods. Information fusion on computational methods and applications. Predictive analytics especially with machine learning methods e.g. on business and industry related problems. Focus there is also on feature selection and feature engineering. Another area of interest is on multicriteria decision making where especially expert based information methods is one area of interest. Besides this we focus on mining, energy, manufacturing industry business models. Also behavioral analytics and operation research are in our focus areas.
Group leader

Research areas
- Business analytics and machine learning, Multicriteria decision making, Soft computing
- Strategic finance, Real options, Long term investments, Simulation
- Behavioral analytics, Operational research, Equity investment strategies
- Creation of theory and application of smart business analytics tools and methods
- Information fusion – computational and applications
- Economic decision-making behavior
- Mining, Energy, and Manufacturing industry business models
Besides normal computing power we also have in our use Viipuri lab computer for problems requiring longer computational time. There we have Intel Pentium which has 2.1 GHz processor, with 48 cores and 768 Gb Ram memory and 8 TB SSD memory. This computer is over 18 times faster than standard computer. We mainly use Matlab, R and Python in implementing analytics.
Group members

Sheraz Ahmed

Mariia Kozlova

Jan Stoklasa

Mahinda Mailagaha Kumbure

Jyrki Savolainen

Mostafa Goudarzi