Water - Complex water adequacy and water treatment needs

Water treatment research group
Research group

Water Treatment and Algal Biotechnology

Publication type
D5 Textbook, professional manual or guide or a dictionary
Parjanen, Satu; Melkas, Helinä; Laakso, Hilkka; Oikarinen, Tuija; Martikainen, Suvi-Jonna; Uusitalo, Ville; Autio, Paula; Halonen, Vilma; Hyypiä, Mirva
Winter image

CiRCLETECH – Twinning partnership to deliver enhanced networking for circular technological and socioeconomic impact, raising research excellence and strengthening management capacity

Public examination

Pavel Maksimov

Public examination

Musharof Khan

Summer image

pH-driven ionic barrier-based techniques to recover precious metals from urban mines