Enhancing Paperboard Packaging Efficiency with Green Lean Principles: A Review | 2024 Tyyppi A4 Conference proceedings Tekijä(t) Matthews Sami, Tanninen Panu, Togiani Amir, Ollikainen Mikael, Leminen Ville, Varis Juha Muu painopiste LUT School of Energy Systems
Geometrical Evaluation of Thermoformed Bioplastic Tray Packages | 2024 Tyyppi A4 Conference proceedings Tekijä(t) Matthews Sami, Tanninen Panu, Afshariantorghabeh Sanaz, Togiani Amir, Leminen Ville, Varis Juha Muu painopiste Liiketoiminta ja yhteiskunta – kohti kestävää uudistumista Materiaalien mekaniikka LUT School of Energy Systems
A Design Thinking Approach: Applying 5S Methodology Effectively in an Industrial Work Environment | 2023 Tyyppi A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Tekijä(t) Muotka Sirkku, Togiani Amir, Varis Juha Muu painopiste LUT School of Energy Systems
A Review of Sustainability Standards and Ecolabeling in the Textile Industry | 2023 Tyyppi A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Tekijä(t) Plakantonaki Sofia, Kiskira Kyriaki, Zacharopoulos Nikolaos, Chronis Ioannis, Coelho Fernando, Togiani Amir, Kalkanis Konstantinos, Priniotakis Georgios Energia – kohti hiilineutraalia maailmaa LUT School of Energy Systems
Effect of temperature on the plastic flow and strain hardening of direct-quenched ultra-high strength steel S960MC | 2023 Tyyppi A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Tekijä(t) Ghafouri Mehran, Afkhami Shahriar, Pokka Aki-Petteri, Javaheri Vahid, Togiani Amir, Larkiola Jari, Björk Timo Energia – kohti hiilineutraalia maailmaa Materiaalien mekaniikka Metallit ja metalliseokset LUT School of Energy Systems
Planning for re-materialization: Developing composite fibre products and processing machinery for municipal, industrial and C&D waste fractions Circwaste - Sub-action A.6 | 2023 Tyyppi D4 Published development or research report or study Tekijä(t) Havukainen Jouni, Horttanainen Mika, Khan Musharof, Liikanen Miia, Deviatkin Ivan, Grönman Kaisa, Salmi Elisa, Kärki Timo, Varis Juha, Hyvärinen Marko, Matthews Sami, Martikka Ossi, Kinnunen Rauli, Lagern Viktor, Toghyani Amir, Bazaz Sara Liiketoiminta ja yhteiskunta – kohti kestävää uudistumista LUT School of Energy Systems
FEM as a Package Design Tool for Corrugated Paperboard | 2022 Tyyppi A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Tekijä(t) Heposalmi Susanna, Matthews Sami, Leminen Ville, Varis Juha, Toghyani Amir Muu painopiste Konetekniikka Tekniikka LUT School of Energy Systems
Numerical Evaluation of Press Forming Parameters and Mould Geometry in Wood Plastic Composite (WPC) Products | 2022 Tyyppi A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Tekijä(t) Matthews Sami, Tanninen Panu, Toghyani Amir, Leminen Ville, Varis Juha Muu painopiste Materiaalitiede (muut) LUT School of Energy Systems
CFRP strengthening of butt-welded ultra-high strength steels under quasi-static tensile loading | 2021 Tyyppi A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Tekijä(t) Amraei Mohsen, Jiao Hui, Toghyani Amir, Björk Timo, Zhao Xiao-Ling
Teaching Circular Economy: An interactive and multi-disciplinary approach | 2021 Tyyppi A4 Conference proceedings Tekijä(t) Mocellin Riccardo, Sandström Niclas, Tegazi Stefano, Balkenende Ruud, Danese Pamela, Faludi Jeremy, Ferro Paolo, Graf Roberta, Grönman Kaisa, Macchion Laura, Nuortila-Jokinen Jutta, Olsen Stig Irving, Polat Esra, Toghyani Amir.
Effect of Stamping Clearance in Rapid CNC Punching of WPC Sheets | 2020 Tyyppi A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Tekijä(t) Matthews Sami, Toghyani Amir, Ollikainen Mikael, Tanninen Panu, Leminen Ville, Varis Juha Tekniikka LUT School of Energy Systems
Forming Challenges of Extruded Wood Plastic Composite Products in a Post-Production Process | 2020 Tyyppi A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Tekijä(t) Toghyani Amir, Matthews Sami, Varis Juha Tekniikka LUT School of Energy Systems
Cutting Repeatability of an Extruded Wood Plastic Composite in a Post-Production Process | 2019 Tyyppi A4 Conference proceedings Tekijä(t) Toghyani Amir, Matthews Sami, Varis Juha Konetekniikka LUT School of Energy Systems
Effect of dwell time and press speed on the forming quality of the press formed wood plastic composite product | 2019 Tyyppi A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Tekijä(t) Toghyani Amir, Matthews Sami, Varis Juha Ympäristötekniikka Konetekniikka LUT School of Energy Systems
Effect of press force in tensile strength and surface quality of press formed wood plastic composite products | 2019 Tyyppi A4 Conference proceedings Tekijä(t) Matthews Sami, Toghyani Amir, Tanninen Panu, Hyvärinen Marko, Leminen Ville, Kärki Timo, Varis Juha
Feasibility Assessment of a Wood-Plastic Composite Post-Production Process: Cuttability | 2018 Tyyppi A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Tekijä(t) Toghyani Amir, Matthews Sami, Varis Juha
Formulation of novel DFMA rules for the advancement of ergonomic factors in non-linear iterative prototype assembly | 2018 Tyyppi A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Tekijä(t) Matthews Sami, Leminen Ville , Eskelinen Harri, Toghyani Amir, Varis Juha
Role of Linear Guidance Components in Paperboard Tray Forming Presses | 2018 Tyyppi A4 Conference proceedings Tekijä(t) Matthews Sami, Leminen Ville, Tanninen Panu, Pesonen Antti, Toghyani Amir, Ovaska Sami-Seppo, Eskelinen Harri, Varis Juha
Role of moisture on press formed products made of Wood Plastic Composites | 2018 Tyyppi A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Tekijä(t) Matthews Sami, Toghyani Amir, Ovaska Sami-Seppo, Hyvärinen Marko, Tanninen Panu, Leminen Ville, Pesonen Antti, Eskelinen Harri, Varis Juha, Kärki Timo Konetekniikka Materiaalitiede LUT School of Energy Systems
Effect of Strain rate and temperature on press forming of extruded WPC profiles | 2017 Tyyppi A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Tekijä(t) Toghyani Amir, Amraei Mohsen, Matthews Sami, Varis Juha, Kärki Timo, Zhao Xiao-Ling Konetekniikka LUT School of Energy Systems
Method for limiting waste in WPC post-production by means of press unit control parameters utilizing temperature related dimensional changes | 2017 Tyyppi A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Tekijä(t) Matthews Sami, Toghyani Amir, Eskelinen Harri, Luostarinen Lauri, Kärki Timo, Varis Juha Konetekniikka LUT School of Energy Systems
Novel method for Selection of Drive Motor in Paperboard Forming Press Utilizing Multi-Dynamics Model based on Material Thickness | 2017 Tyyppi A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Tekijä(t) Matthews Sami, Tanninen Panu, Toghyani Amir, Eskelinen Harri, Ovaska Sami-Seppo, Leminen Ville, Varis Juha
Feasibility Assessment of a Wood-Plastic Composite Post-Production Process: Formability | 2016 Tyyppi A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Tekijä(t) Toghyani Amir, Matthews Sami, Eskelinen Harri, Kärki Timo, Varis Juha Tekniikka LUT School of Energy Systems
Forming Repeatability of an Extruded Wood Plastic Composite in a Post-Production Process | 2016 Tyyppi A4 Conference proceedings Tekijä(t) Toghyanirizi Amir, Matthews Sami, Ratava Juho, Varis Juha Tuotanto- ja valmistustekniikka Materiaalien mekaniikka LUT School of Energy Systems
Improvement of ergonomic factors in non-linear iterative prototype assembly by utilizing DFMA rules | 2016 Tyyppi A4 Conference proceedings Tekijä(t) Matthews Sami, Leminen Ville, Eskelinen Harri, Toghyarizi Amir Tuotanto- ja valmistustekniikka Konetekniikka LUT School of Energy Systems
Manufacturing challenges of post-production process of extruded WPC profile | 2016 Tyyppi A4 Conference proceedings Tekijä(t) Toghyani Amir, Matthews Sami, Varis Juha, Kärki Timo
Post-Extrusion Processing of Extruded Wood Plastic Composites and Selection of Belt Conveyor Cover Material | 2016 Tyyppi A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Tekijä(t) Matthews Sami, Toghyanirizi Amir, Ovaska Sami-Seppo, Eskelinen Harri, Kärki Timo, Varis Juha
Manufacturability of Wood Plastic Composite Sheets on the Basis of the Post-Processing Cooling Curve | 2015 Tyyppi A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Tekijä(t) Matthews Sami, Toghyani Amir, Eskelinen Harri, Varis Juha, Kärki Timo Tuotanto- ja valmistustekniikka LUT School of Energy Systems
Manufacturing process development of the dual press technique for extruded WPC sheets | 2015 Tyyppi A4 Conference proceedings Tekijä(t) Matthews Sami, Toghyani Amir, Klodowski Adam, Eskelinen Harri, Varis Juha, Kärki Timo
A Novel Extrusion Procedure for the Production of Sustainable Composite Products | 2013 Tyyppi A4 Conference proceedings Tekijä(t) Toghyanirizi Amir, Varis Juha, Kärki Timo Tekniikka LUT School of Energy Systems