Pseudo-dynamic optimisation and study of the effect of gradual and sudden changes on the operating conditions of a naphtha catalytic reforming unit | 2022 Tyyppi A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Tekijä(t) Fallah Mehneh Farangis, Zahedi Abghari Sorood, Gilani Neda, Yaghoubi Khashayar Muu painopiste
Study of gradual and sudden operating condition variations to optimize energy and mass consumption of an industrial fluidized catalytic cracking (FCC) unit with a high-efficiency regenerator | 2022 Tyyppi A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Tekijä(t) Yaghoubi Khashayar, Gilani Neda, Abghari Sorood Zahedi, Fallah Mehneh Farangis, Eisazadeh Mohammad Muu painopiste