Millenium Techonology prize

Professor Bantval Jayant Baliga will receive on October 30th
the 2024 Millennium Technology Prize for his innovation,
the Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT), which has enabled a dramatic
reduction in worldwide electrical energy and petrol consumption.

You have a unique opportunity to hear Professor Baliga’s keynote speech,
"The Story of the IGBT: Its History, Present, and Future."
After the keynote, there will be time for questions.

The event will be held at LUT University, Lappeenranta Campus,
from 10:00 to 11:00 in lecture hall 1314.

The event will be hosted by Professor Pertti Silventoinen.
Coffee will be served before the event begins at 9:30.

Registration no later than October 25 at 14:00

You are warmly welcome.