The Industrial Energy Systems Lab advances sustainable energy solutions and the circular economy through cutting-edge research in renewable energy, carbon capture, energy storage, and power plant technologies. We optimize solid fuel conversion for energy production and employ AI-driven innovations for efficient applications in pulp mills, CO2 capture, and mining. Combining theory with practical applications, we address global energy challenges to support sustainability and industrial efficiency.
Project manager
Research areas
We develop renewable energy solutions, including biomass, solar, and wind, to enable a reliable energy transition. Our research on carbon capture employs cutting-edge methods like oxyfuel combustion, chemical looping, and amine scrubbing to reduce CO2 emissions and reuse them. Advanced energy storage systems, such as power-to-X and thermal energy storage, enhance system efficiency and grid stability. Additionally, we innovate power plant technologies to improve flexibility and efficiency, while optimizing solid fuels like biomass, and waste-derived materials for power and heat generation. We also harness artificial intelligence to create efficient, sustainable energy applications in pulp mills, CO2 capture, and mining operations.
The Industrial Energy Systems Lab features cutting-edge facilities for advanced energy research and innovation. Existing test rigs include a chemical lab for solid fuel characterization and biochemical and thermochemical conversion processes such as anaerobic digestion, fermentation, gasification, combustion, carbonization, and hydrothermal treatments.
The lab is expanding with new test rigs, including a 1 MW Thermal Energy Storage system, a 100 kWth Planar Heat Pipe, a 100-kW pressurized gasification fluidized bed system, a 15 kWth Two-Phase Flow Rig, a 25 kWth Cold Battery Test Rig, and a 3 kWel Osmotic Energy Storage system. Additionally, upcoming additions such as ammonia synthesis and cracking test rigs, along with fuel cells, will further strengthen the lab’s capabilities in sustainable energy research.
Other staff
The Industrial Energy Systems research group is comprised of a dynamic and skilled team, including 2 Full Professors, 2 Associate Professors, and 10 scientific postdoctoral researchers, supported by several dedicated Ph.D. candidates. Each year, the group supervises approximately 30 M.Sc. and 20 B.Sc. students, making it the largest educator within LUT Energy. The names and profiles of all our team members will soon be available on this webpage.
Below, you will find publications related to the research group.